I intended to push this post out a long time ago, and now it feels like it happened last year. We seems to visit Port Townsend every year in the fall, if we are at home, but it still feels like we haven't seen all the places here. It's always a trick, to balance enjoying our favorites while continuing to discover new ones. I especially like that we usually stay here with additional family. This trip included my parents and the family friends that were the witnesses at our wedding (I think of them as an aunt and uncle). We had to leave before two more aunt and uncle pairs arrived because we said yes to a spontaneous trip to Mexico with a good friend and needed a day to turn around our baggage. This year, the rain kept us inside our trailer more that usual, but it was so relaxing, I don't regret the weather at all.
Mt. Pilchuck (probably) across the Puget Sound.
Pigeons at parade rest.
Drifting through the driftwood. |
Flowers cling to the shore.
A walk through town.
Public art is always worth a look. Stylish.
Better Living Through Coffee is a favorite spot. So cozy.
Reflections on rebuilding the breakwater at the Point Hudson Marina.
Mt. Baker peeks out during a break between storm systems.
We made sure to get out and about whenever the rain storms let us. We drove over to Fort Worden Historical State Park and got out near the lighthouse to take in the views. My parents love exploring parts of town they haven't seen before, so there is always a bit of that when we visit. Russ and I also managed a stop at my favorite bakery in town, Pane d'Amore. We picked up a couple of their cinnamon twists to eat for breakfast before we left for home.
A big benefit of rainy weather.
An arch wherethro' gleams that untravell'd world.
Dinner at Doc's. Another favorite. Mine was a crab risotto.
Breakfast at the cafe near home.
Waffle with lemon curd and local berries.
Never forget the views.
The cliff view from above town.
The beach at Fort Worden State Park.
Snowberries at Fort Townsend Historical State Park.
A nice day in the park.
More flowers on the edge.
Downtown views.
Across the Sound towards the east.
The Whidbey Island-Port Townsend Ferry.
Reflections at night.
A fresh cut and a new color. Preparing for our trip to Mexico.
The trip was short, but relaxing and fun. I was surprised at how much we were able to get out and walk without too much rain.
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