Monday, June 26, 2023

Trip Begun and Well Started

This trip was planned specifically to go to Russ' family reunion. We haven't seen many of these folks for more than 10 years, so I am excited, if not about being in New Mexico in the summer. I melt. Plus, we have to travel without using Harvest Hosts or boondocking because we need to run our air conditioner for the cat. We did manage one off-grid stop early, but it was high in the central Oregon desert and the nights were cool. Our first stop was slightly out of our way, but we stayed one night with our friend Z at Ocean Park, WA, on the Long Beach Peninsula.

Cedar had a rough first day in the truck. Comfort during the last section.

Dinner at Mycovios - so amazing.

Z joins us in the R-Pod for a good night bottle of white.

Home Between the Trips

We spent a couple of months at home between our trip to Portugal and Spain and the next trip to New Mexico. Because the interlude was short, I tried to jam as much fun and upkeep into the time as I could. I did lots of hikes, spent time with lots of friends (sometimes on hikes), got through a bunch of medical appointments, celebrated our wedding anniversary, and ate a lot of good food.

Bald eagle at Point Defiance.

Friend at Point Defiance. Gig Harbor across the narrows.

Rhododendron Garden at Point Defiance.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Better Weather, Wine, Family and Friends

How many times do we need to do something for it to become an annual tradition? It feels like just a few, really.  We seem to visit Prosser, Washington in the spring every year now. I don't think it counts yet, because we've also been using the spring months to travel to New Mexico. Regardless of how I name it, we took a short week to find better weather, wine, and family time in Eastern Washington. Because we stayed only five nights, we only visited our favorite spots, and not even all of those. Our return home earlier than we originally planned was so we could spend time with a friend who stayed with us for a weekend.

Sunset over Prosser (with Mt. Adams)

Our spot at Wine Country RV Park

This qualifies as green hills for the area.

Daylight views of the Yakima Valley.