Sunday, March 26, 2023

Friends, Food and Travel Preparations

V and J, long time friends, are moving to Arizona. We've been seeing them for a dinner out about once a month for years, and V and I walked together weekly for a while after I retired and she was between jobs. I find it difficult to keep in touch with people after they have moved some distance away. I have been working to keep in touch and to reconnect with friends that are distant, but it feels harder than staying close with friends that live nearby. Even so, I am impelled to continue my efforts; staying close to friends is rewarding and makes my life richer. I'm glad that I seem to make friends easily and keep them for a long time. We do go out to eat a lot as a way to stay connected and spend time with our friends. Every now and then I'll get inspired to invite people over for food at our house instead.

Safe travels and see you when we visit.

Mom, Dad and Z at our favorite: The Red Hot

Friends we met at work (two jobs back) that we keep close.

A new friend for Sharon. I met T in my Pilates class.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Home as A Comfort with a Tattoo Reminder of Death

Since returning home, I've concentrated on the small concerns and comforts that make home feel like home. I did finally decide on the artwork that I would want to see on my body permanently, so I also chose an artist and got a tattoo. My friend Z joined me and got a tattoo of her own. It felt special to share the experience with such a good friend. I was a little nervous about the pain, but I found that I weirdly enjoyed it. It felt almost like an electrical shock, but more. It's now one week later, and it's healing well, but itching and peeling. I will look at my arm every day and see Memento Mori, a constant reminder to live life in the moment and not take anything for granted. A younger me admired cynicism, but now I find that rather sad. Now I want to feel only awe, even in my everyday domestic life.

Fresh reminder of death.

Christen at TygerWolf Tattoo makes her mark.

Z with Marissa.

Gin and Tonic to celebrate the new art.