I started haunting the appointment websites for our area at 6 AM on the first day we were eligible. No appointments were available. I would retry every fifteen minutes or so, and after about 2 hours, I scored an appointment in our city for the next morning. Just a short while later, Russ managed an appointment about 30 miles to the north, but for the afternoon of the first available day! So we got our first doses. I got Pfizer; he got Moderna.
All done and waiting my 15 minutes.
Even the tulips know it's time to rise.
A celebratory treat. Fruit and yogurt smoothie.
I almost cried when I was taking the picture. I hadn't realized how much stress I has been enduring. I thought that I was fine, and we were isolating and wearing masks and being careful, but now that we've started the vaccine process, it is clear that I didn't feel safe. I was so scared of getting COVID and then passing it to someone I love.
This rabbit enhanced my morning meditation.
Enjoying outside company on our newly rebuilt deck.
Finally finished (including the fence).
We've experienced a couple of weeks of better than usual spring weather. Like way better than usual, which would be 50 degrees F. It has been in the low seventies all week. Russ really got after the yard work. Everything is ready for summer enjoyment. We have been using our side-yard deck to eat our meals again. It is also a great place for an outdoor visit (with my parents this time). The farmer's market is open again, so I have been excited to get back to some of the spring foods that are now in season.
Chef salad with tofurky, egg, and beets.
Asparagus tart. Goals.
Tart with green salad for dinner.
Baked salmon with dill, asparagus and potato.
I am so optimistic about the near future. Just knowing that in three more weeks, I'll get that second vaccine dose and go out and embrace life again thrills me. We've started making plans.
The afghan on our bed. I made it and usually meditate sitting on it.
Cherry blossoms on the walk to the farmer's market.
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