Travel to get somewhere feels much different than travel for it's own sake. We move and stop, move and stop, and rarely notice the things that pass. I try to stop in places that are new to me. I try to enjoy the passing scenery and pay attention to life as we move. What am I rushing towards if not death? So I stay in each moment and live, even as we rush to our destination.
This trip took us to a Harvest Host in Buhl, Idaho called Holesinsky Vineyard and Winery. It had an exceptional camping spot next to the horse paddock and pasture. It was on a small hill overlooking the town in the valley below. We enjoyed the wine, too.
Russ Reflects.
The horse is named Clyde.
Rest in a quiet place.
Pesto pasta with vegetables and Syrah.
Over the Snake River Valley.
Moonrise. |
Horses are interesting to Cedar.
The following night was in a place we've stayed before, Lakeside RV at Utah Lake in Provo, UT. I remembered it as a beautiful place, and it was just as I recalled. We also stayed in Moab, a spot we've been to so many times that I don't know the number.
View from the truck window.
Here's your sign.
The RV Park dump station.
Framed. |
Still life.
Utah Lake State Park.
Catfish Derby was in progress.
Russ takes stock (photo).
Entrance fee: $5.
Tree, mountain, sky and water.
Lots of snow on the pass from Spanish Fork to Price.
Nice road.
The Moab Brewery. A favorite.
The cornbread is a highlight.
The La Sal Mountains at sunset.
Nice to see the La Sals with with white tops.
The beehive.
Utah. |
Wind turbines were turning.
We enjoyed two nights at Russ' Mom's house, then took off to meet some friends that live full-time on the road. We haven't seen them in person in two years. We were crossing paths, so we met up at Red Rock Park Campground in Gallup, NM. Russ and I stopped at a food co-op in Boise, ID on our way south to buy a lot of C's favorite beer. He was glad to see us for more than one reason. It is such a thrill to be able to visit good friends and just hang out again. This year I resolved to foster connections in my life, and this trip is giving me multiple opportunities to do just that.
Family walk at Aztec Riverfront Park.
The Animas River. El Rio de Animas de las Perdidas.
Walking rocks!
MIL is making an afghan.
Breakfast at Elda's Mexican Kitchen.
Russ' brother is also visiting from New York.
Breakfast at home.
The infamous co-op was tough to park in with the trailer.
South to Gallup.
Georgetown Brewing makes C happy. They've been in Florida with no access.
Chilling and chatting.
Lots of loose dogs around the Campground.
Church Rock in the snow.
Most of the initial snow melted off quickly.
Ready to return to Aztec.
Shiprock in the distance.
We are doing a range of chores for us and for Russ' mom, plus enjoying time with the family. Russ' brother returns to New York tomorrow, so it's our last night with him this trip.
In Durango, the motherload of coffee.
Lovely views from the Animas River Valley.
Honeyville. |
Lunch at Steamworks Brewing in Durango.
Moonrise from the front gate.
More sleet. Spring weather is crazy here.
I'm glad to have a chance to pause and refresh before we leave to see the eclipse. The cat is glad to be here, too. He gets tired of the road faster than we do. Another week and we are back to the move and stop again.
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