I mentioned in an earlier post that I am rarely spontaneous. Buying the tickets for an Omar Rudberg concert in New York may be the most unlikely thing I have ever done, and the best. I live near Seattle, so the west coast show in LA may have been closer, but NY is more practical because I have a place to stay with my brother-in-law and his family on Long Island. When the notification of the sale hit my phone, I mostly wondered what the price was and ended up downloading the ticket app to see that. I managed to click through immediately though and just went for it. My friend Gisela, who had agreed to join me at an Omar concert (she likes his music, too), certainly didn't expect the show to be on the other side of the country! It turns out the the tickets sold out within like a half hour, so I feel really lucky to have done it right away. I typically would wait at least of few days before making travel decisions like this. Also I think this will be my last opportunity to see Omar in a small venue like this, so next time I go to his show, it will be a different type of experience.
Omar Rudberg.
Music Hall of Williamsburg.
Riding the NY Subway.
Welcome to NY.